

Hi Had a great time with the recital.... little humor there. G

Sour Grapes and Saddle Sores

George Hirst

Culture among the Corn and Beans July 17, 2008

On Sunday evening, June 29, Bruce Polay of Galesburg presented a "piano and talk" recital at the News Room Bistro in Toulon. It was a thoroughly interesting and inspiring program. He plays a classical piano very well. He also made comments about the pieces and the composers of the works. I really was glad to see some of my friends at the recital and had a pleasant evening with them. But the group was too small! It came to me that Rural Stark County is not short on culture, but it is short on people who like classical music as well as jazz.

As I considered that, I thought of all sorts of musical programs and musicians. We have several keyboard musicians, I can think of at least four very skilled organists and two organists who grew up and moved away but have continued their musical skills. There are a number of musicians, mostly religious or popular musical persons, out here among the cornstalks, there is a good measure of musical offerings.

Since Jim Nowlan acquired the grand piano that sits in the Bistro, there have been many piano, instrumental and voice recitals. The News does a good job advertising each event, but I feel that I need to add my voice to encourage more people to attend these events. People have preferences as to the kinds of music to which they listen, I have my preferences, too. However, I try to attend as many of the News Room Bistro recitals as I can for one simple reason; to broaden my appreciation of all sorts of musical presentations. That then, is reason for supporting the cultural efforts at the Bistro.

Then, we as a small county that needs to increase its population, ought to present an openness to a wide variety of activities. We do all we can to sell ourselves as a good place to live and, to report our excellent school system. Our highway system provides safe and quick travel between our towns and to the surrounding cities around us. Our medical care is excellent.

We are not just corn and soybeans, we are a cultured people who appreciate all sorts of events and recitals. Let us remember that and turn out for cultural showings.

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Created by KKris. Last Modification: Sunday 27 of July, 2008 14:42:48 EDT by KKris.