

Sour Grapes and Saddle Sores
George Hirst
A Resolve For The New Year
January 6, 2005

At the beginning of the new year, I made a new year's resolution.

Because God does not leave me alone, it is faith statement The resolution is: "I resolve to make it clear In my writing
that I believe it is God, as I see God, who leads and inspires all that I see and do."

The resolution is inspired by a column written in The Peoria Journal Star, December 18th by Paul Isom, Pastor of Glen Oak Christian Church, Peoria. He wrote, "Jesus was about salvation in its original sense, related to "salve" a substance for healing. We Christians are to be about peace, healing, justice and the proclamation of good news….. The good news is God loves you."

All that I write about is influenced by my faith in a God who loves us all, and all that we surrounds us. "God looked at everything that was made and was very pleased." Genesis 1:31

I do not just report on people and their efforts that I think are good. I see persons spending their lives doing things that are good for the earth and the creatures that are its population. "We are children of the earth; little pieces of the grand creation, and as such God's love is no more bound by time than it is by human weakness." Erik Kolbell, "These Days", Dec.22.

At the beginning of the year of our Lord, 2005 I resolve to keep on writing the way I have been writing with the addition that I share my belief that it is God, as I see God, who leads me and inspires me in all that I see and do.

This is not done to convert you to my belief or way of thinking, it is done to encourage you to consider the God in which you believe as always present and that Presence leads and inspires you in your living. There is an old Celtic saying that enables me to share my faith with the you, "Bidden or not bidden, God is always present".

Peace does not begin with world leaders or their laws or their armies. Peace begins in the same way Love began, in a small place and with a person. Peace is not legislated but given.

May your New Year be filled with peace and love.

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Created by KKris. Last Modification: Friday 01 of August, 2008 16:42:34 EDT by KKris.