

  1. First, look around. You can read any Wasteflake Project pages, except forum discussions.
  2. Register.
    1. Click on the register link in the second section of the left-hand column. This will take you to the Register as a new user page, which will show you a registration code and blank spots to enter a username, the registration code (just to prove that you're a person and not a bot), a password, repeat password (for verification), and email address. Enter these, and click on the register button. Click on Generate a password if you want to get a randomly-generated password of letters and numbers to enter into the password boxes. (Caution: Passwords ARE case-sensitive.)
    2. You will receive an email from wastefla at wasteflake.com with a link. Click on this link to login for the first time.
  3. Login. Once you have logged in, you can
    1. Edit pages to add your thoughts, correct errors, clarify the writing. Click on the pencil icon at the top of the page or the "Edit" link at the bottom of the page.
    2. Create pages. Probably the easiest way to do this is from within a current page. Edit that page and refer to the page you want to create with a name with at least one interior capital letter — also known as CamelCase or WordsSmashedTogether. When you look at the edited page, the CamelCase words that don't yet have a page created will show up with a question mark after them. Click on the question mark to create the page.
    3. Read and reply to messages in the forums.
If you feel a bit shy about jumping in to edit and create pages, try out the the SandBox — practice editing and use "preview" to see how the page would look. Nothing that you do in the SandBox is saved — no fear that anyone will ever see any mistakes you make there.

Another tactic that helps many people is to first write and edit in your favorite text or word processor. When you've got it just as you want it, copy and paste it into the Wiki Edit box.

For more information on Wiki workings, see WikiIs, TechnicalCommunication and GeneratingPages.

WasteFlake home page

Created by kristin. Last Modification: Thursday 26 of February, 2004 11:28:10 EST by kristin.