
BP May 2024

The Birthday Project for May 2024

Augusta Roger, May 18

Gussie pulls the sword from the stone and becomes the rightful Queen of England. Happy Birthday, Augusta Roger!  Image Credit: K. Kris Hirst and MidJourney, in the style of Scottish painter of King Arthur's court, John Duncan 1866–1945
Gussie pulls the sword from the stone and becomes the rightful Queen of England. Happy Birthday, Augusta Roger! Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst, in the style of Scottish Symbolist painter John Duncan 1866–1945

Rachel Kapraun, May 30

In a perfect world, my lovely niece Rachel would tend to a white orchid shop for the exclusive use of Beyonce. Happy Birthday, Rachel Kapraun! Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
In a perfect world, my lovely niece Rachel would tend to a white orchid shop for the exclusive use of Beyonce. Happy Birthday, Rachel Kapraun! Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst

Created by KKris. Last Modification: Friday 24 of May, 2024 11:34:04 EDT by KKris.