
Book of Frauds

Notes on a book of frauds.

From Mitch: Sound like you two might be able to work this out together. Why don't you work through a book proposal for a volume on archaeological fakes and frauds. Pick who will do each case, figure out what should be in the introduction and how long the volume would take to do. I'd like something in the neighborhood of 50-60,000 words. When you're ready, send me the outline and I'll get you started with a contract.

Crystal Skulls
Shinichi Fujimura
Reiner Protsch von Zieten
Barry Fell
Erich von Däniken
Decalogue/Los Lunas
Minoan goddesses
Bosnian Pyramids
Cardiff Giant
Vinland Map
Kensington Rune Stone
Spencer Lakes Horse Skull
Michigan Relics
Kinderhook Plate
Edgar Cayce
Bar Kokhba Coin
Bat Creek Stone
Hercules Sarcophagus
Calaveras Skull
Shroud of Turin
Cerne Abbas
Jerusalem Bone box
Newark Holy Stones
Persian Princess
Praeneste Fibula
Etruscan Terracotta Soldiers
Saitaphernes' Golden Tiara
Constantine Rafinesque
Beringer Hoax
Tasaday Culture
Moundbuilder Myth
Taughannock Giant
Pine River Petrified Baby
Jammal Ark Hoax
Holly Oak Shell
Keros Hoard
Dorenberg skull hoax


Dexter, Ralph W. 1986 Historical Aspects of the Calaveras Skull Controversy. American Antiquity 51(2):365-369.

Eisenberg, Jerome M. 2004 The Michigan Relics: An archaeological hoax. Minerva 15(4):45-48.

Eisenberg, Jerome M. 2008 The Phaistos Disk: One Hundred Year Old Hoax? Minerva 199-24.

Hodge, B. 2002 Feral archaeology and the Atlantis problem: the 'hoax' trick as discursive pathology. Cultural Studies 16(3):351-364.

Hudson, Mark J. 2005 For the people, by the people: postwar Japanese archaeology and the Early Paleolithic hoax. Anthropological Science 113 (2):131-139.

Lee, Georgia 1993 Fake effigies from the southern California coast? Robert Heizer and the effigy controversy. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 15(2):195-215.

McKusick, Marshall B. 1980 The Davenport stone: A hoax unravelled. Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 2798-102.

Mainfort, Robert C. and Mary L. Kwas 2004 The Bat Creek Stone Revisited: A Fraud Exposed. American Antiquity 69(4):761-770.

Meltzer, David J. and William C. Sturtevant1983 The Holly Oak Shell game: An historic archaeological fraud. Pp. 325-352. in Lulu Linear Punctated: Essays in Honor of George Irving Quimby. Memoir 72, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan

Michlovic, Michael G. 1990 Folk archaeology in anthropological perspective. Current Anthropology 31(1):103-107.

Michlovic, Michael G. and Hughey, Michael W. 1992 Controlling the past: Archaeology, folk history, and the uses of science. Paper at the SAA meetings in New Orleans

Taylor, R. E., Louis A. Payen, and Peter J. Slota Jr. 1992 The age of the Calaveras skull: Dating the "Piltdown Man" of the New World. American Antiquity 57(2):269-275.

Terrell, John E. 2000 Anthropological knowledge and scientific fact. American Anthropologist 102(4):808-817.

Tobias, Phillip V. 1992 Piltdown: An appraisal of the case against Sir Arthur Keith. Current Anthropology 33(3):243-294.

Sotirakopoulou, Peggy 2008 The Keros Hoard: Some Further Discussion. American Journal of Archaeology 112(2):279-294.

Vanlandingham, Sam L. 2009Extraordinary Examples of Deception in Peer Reviewing: Concoction of the Dorenberg Skull Hoax and Related Misconduct. Paper in 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: International Symposium on Peer Reviewing. Orlando, Florida.

Yelton, Jeffrey K. 1989 A comment on John Rowzee Peyton and the Mound Builders: the elevation of a nineteenth-century fraud to a twentieth-century myth. American Antiquity 54:161-164.

Zimmerman, Larry J.2008 Unusual or "Extreme" beliefs about the past, community identity, and dealing with the fringe. Pp. 55-86. in Collaboration in Archaeological Practice, Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh and T.J. Ferguson. Altamira Press: Lanham, MD

Zoppi, U., et al. 2000 AMS and controversies in history: The Spanish conquest of Peru. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 172:756-760.

Created by KKris. Last Modification: Saturday 02 of January, 2010 10:37:20 EST by KKris.