Sing a song to Cybele.
Wed to time, and yet timeless.
Her chariot drawn by lions,
who lovers were, but now chained,
their wanton passion captured
in pursuit of golden fruit.
Mother of mountains and gods,
Kubeyela, you strengthen walls
and harness nature’s wildest
beasts and birds to do your will.
Let us dance around you, queen
of the wild in wildest dreams.
12/16/2020 David Hirst
More Poetry
Wed to time, and yet timeless.
Her chariot drawn by lions,
who lovers were, but now chained,
their wanton passion captured
in pursuit of golden fruit.
Mother of mountains and gods,
Kubeyela, you strengthen walls
and harness nature’s wildest
beasts and birds to do your will.
Let us dance around you, queen
of the wild in wildest dreams.
Cybele in her chariot drawn by two lions: 1530–60, Master of the Die. Public domain, from the Metropolitan Museum
12/16/2020 David Hirst
More Poetry