Character images and descriptions from The Monitor
The Dry Season Villa of the Royal Grapes family. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Statue of the Great Awk, standing in a pool at the Dry Season Villa of the Royal Grapes family. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Calloway's Crosswise Saloon. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Humorless bouncer at Calloway's. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Noodles, Bozartene Diplomatic Adjutant 2nd Class to Planet Sylvan Green. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Eleni, Adamantine Marketing Analyst and Rebel Spy. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
The Jiffy Squid hut at Club Sylv. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Molly in her spaceship The Patty. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Molly Nods Off in Special Collections. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Second Best Villa. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Ancient Molting Festival. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Big Burn. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Fobus the Unlucky. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Beach House at Sylvan Green. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Murmuration of Jairts. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Airport Lounge at Club Sylv Way Station. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Beaux Artes Bleu and its inventor. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Tsingarida, Athena. "Oversized Athenian Drinking Vessels in Context: Their Role in Etruscan Ritual Performances." American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 124, no. 2, 2020, pp. 245-74, doi:10.3764/aja.124.2.0245.
Dormitory at Bozart University. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Professor Helmstrung Stilts
University faculty like Professor Stilts here wear the ceremonial kilt and suspenders for most public functions. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: rockhopper penguin wearing kilt and suspenders
Epeius, resident of Adamant
Epeius, resident of Adamant. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: frog footman as computer engineer, orange hair, lab coat
Madam Badin Blustok, resident of Bozart
Madam Badin Blustok, resident of Bozart. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: elderly gentoo penguin ghost with jewels Victorian
The Great Bozo, resident of Bozart
The Great Bozo, resident of Bozart. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: Eudyptes robustus snares penguin with large victorian feathered hat, giving a speech in a ballroom
Fred, resident of Placid Cold
Fred, resident of Placid Cold. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: large beaver as philosopher near icy stream
Jadikiri, resident of Generally Harmless
Jadikiri, resident of Generally Harmless. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: bronze age cretan fresco painter, 25, male running down the steps of a temple
Adamantine Waldo Mach 2
Adamantine Waldo, Mach 2, early prototype. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: sensitive silly putty golem
Adamantine Waldo Mach 7
Adamantine Waldo, Mach 7. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: sensitive silly putty golem (reroll, subtle variations)
Jairt Murmuration
Jairt Murmuration at Adamantine Waldo Inc. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: murmuration of macaws in a factory with a sunroof
Journalist Historian
Journalist historian visiting Epeius. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: frog footman anime --niji - Image #4 which is weird, but I still like it.
Molly Ringwald (EEKh Arggh Boing Boing Yelp!, which translates to Region of Plentiful Mackerals) on Campus
Molly Ringwald on Bozart University Campus. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: penguin Aptenodytes forsteri wearing camoflage sunglasses and a backpack on campus
Queen Smeraldina at Work
Queen Smeraldina at Work. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: Aptenodytes forsteri penguin dressed as Catherine the Great sits on the throne and speaks to her courtiers beatrix potter
Pingo on Campus
Pingo on Campus. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus wearing a bowtie and standing in a college quad
Subway Station at Bozart U
Subway Station at Bozart U. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: a penguin dives into a subterranean canal commuter lane packed with other penguins
Sylvan Green
Sylvan Green resident of Liminal. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst
Prompt: two-headed aliens in a tropical forest island. Based on Neolithic figurines from Vinca, Serbia,
Molly in a Space Suit
Molly in a Space Suit. Image Credit: MidJourney and K. Kris Hirst