
Respectfulness in Expectancy

Hi what do you think of what the "donkey" did? Wonder what will happen with the "GOP"? G

Sour Grapes and Saddle Sores

George Hirst

Respectfulness in Expectancy August 28, 2008

In order for our nation and, even the world, to really work, we, the people, have a lesson to learn. That lesson is to live as a respectful people, I mean as a community of caring people. Individuals can claim to be respectful, but the people of the world as a group need to possess a commonality of being respectful. To begin with, we need to learn to respect ourselves and to know that we share space with others in the universe. Secondly, we are citizens of a nation that believes in freedom for all. Believing in freedom for ourselves, we must grant that freedom to other people and to other nations, be respectful of the ways other persons live, and the way other nations are governed.

There are a lot of folks who live to benefit themselves. Those people ought to be encouraged to be respectful of others so that we can all find the ways to create one world. The worldwide commercial field exports and imports goods in competition with one another, and there are students and professors in educational institutions that study or lecture all over the world. Their experience provides a better understanding about the way people live. The world holds an expectancy for peace. The world seems to want to be peaceful, but we have not learned that peace is not won by force.

Being respectful requires treating other persons the way we want to be treated. Our way of life, our wishes and our habits are to be honored. We cannot be a respectful world when we insist that everyone lives and thinks in the same way. We are disrespectful to people when we judge or demean other life styles. We have attempted to bring change to our lives by insisting that there is only one way to live but that clearly has not worked.

Respectfulness begins with each person. We cannot legislate, nor make rules, and certainly not shame ourselves into being respectful. We have to work at it. We have to meet others with a caring attitude and an interested mind about who they are, what they do, and why they are who they are. To begin with the expectancy of respect means that the overarching atmosphere is caring. It is not of our making, but it is the way things are. What this says is that we find it difficult to believe that good things happen to everyone. It is too easy to see the disappointments, the differences that disturb us, and destructive events, like war and murder that worry us.

You say, it has always been this way, but I say to you, so? We are talking about change here and not about fixing problems. Positive talk and deeds are all around us, yet somehow, it seems that such things are not seen as being real. Like everything, respectfulness is part of our lives just as the disrespect we see, the wrongs we feel, and the punishments we find. Rewards and a pleasant life are part and parcel of life on this blue orb.

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Created by KKris. Last Modification: Monday 01 of September, 2008 11:26:24 EDT by KKris.